What is this site about? Who are you?
The only source of knowledge is experience.
Albert Einstein
Hello Friend,
Thank you for visiting this new site. My name is Don and I’m a hacker. I decided to create this website to discuss stuff that matters to me, to have a platform I can control my published media upon and most importantly – to have a single source of publishing for items that may be reposted or referenced by social media.
I make no promises, offers or any other kind of guarantee about the content here. I make every effort to fact check my data, however, I am only human and that part I want to reflect in this site. What I hope to be presenting going forward is based on the wisdom of the years – sometimes a teacher in and of itself – going back more than 30 years ago to what I see going 30 years into the future for as long as I can see that far.
The topics I’ll be mostly discussing is technology – it’s use cases, application and post mortems. This can be old technology abandoned to the sands of time. Or current technology changing older or perhaps even unknown new technology changing the present.
I’ll also be discussing sociology, economics and other topics relevant to technology and how they impact ourselves and our lives.
This site is probably going to be different than most in that I’ll be discussing deep technical issues – both the problems and solutions and consequences of both.
It’s really meant to be a place for presentation of ideas and the social media aspect of when these posts are release is the “feedback” loop of commentary to those ideas – as if there is one thing I’ve learned over the years, either one gets zero feedback or feedback that has a varied degree of constructive applicability.
My previous website for myself is https://00100100.net which was written originally written around 2005 and thus almost 20 years have passed even from that site. If anything, this will supplement a planned future e-zine submission for https://textfiles.org/zines/CoTNO as I was features and wrote several pieces for that e-zine over 30 years ago.
One could say that this is an attempt to complete that loop and begin something different from the wisdom and lessons learned over that entire span of time and experience.
And with that – on with the show…